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We're delighted to share fantastic feedback that we've received from participants at our training, and links to news stories that demonstrate the breadth of partners we've worked with.

Accredited Climate Emergency Training for Construction.

Climate Emergency Training Participants representing Robertson Construction in 2022/23:


"Relevant to my profession, clear and inspiring."

"I am now more aware of the impact of climate change and how as an individual and business leader l can create change."

"Very informative about net zero."

Accredited Climate Emergency Training for Housing Providers

Climate Emergency Training participants representing Osprey Housing in 2022:


"It brought the impact of climate change to the front of my working environment."


"Greater awareness of just how much carbon I produce annually through my working role and how easy through a simple switch this can be reduced."


"I found the training very interesting and there is no doubt I will use what I have learnt in my job role."

Accredited Climate Emergency Training for Scotland's Energy Sector

Climate Emergency Training participants representing Scottish Power in 2022:


"Great course, well presented and relevant."


"It has been extremely valuable to underpin the work I have already been doing in this space and has given me additional confidence."


"I thought I was pretty well versed in the subject but the training was an eye opener."


"FANTASTIC! First time in my life I enjoyed a training!"

Accredited Climate Emergency Training for Local Authorities 

Climate Emergency Training participants representing South Lanarkshire Council in 2022/23:


"Strong message delivered very well by the presenters. Easily accessible materials that will impact on my practice both professionally and personally."


"Useful that it was online - of course saving carbon by not having to travel to a central location!"


"Very thought-provoking, got me thinking about what changes I could make both professionally and personally."

Accredited Climate Emergency Training for SME's delivered for Elevator UK

Climate Emergency Training participants representing a variety of businesses across Scotland.

"My understanding of Climate Change has been enhanced as a result of this training and can now plan this into my business as it moves forward."

"Very informative and relevant to my current role."

"Very positive, impactful, inspiring and encouraging personally and professionally to do what you can to make a difference for our world."

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