Expert advice from the members
Expert advice from the members
Find out about each Forum member below, email for expert advice, then click each title to visit their website for more in-depth information.
British Dragonfly Society (BDS)
Within the BDS there are two main inter-linked areas of interest, dragonfly recording and dragonfly conservation. Email contact:
British Trust for Ornithology Scotland (BTO)
We are a non-governmental, non-campaigning organisation focused on securing the future for birds and nature. We use our science, monitoring and data to inform good environmental decisions and inspire others with the wonder of birds.The heart of BTO encompasses three key areas: Birds, Science, People. Email contact:

Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. We're actively working to save Britain’s rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish.
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns about the 'plight of the bumblebee'. In the last 80 years our bumblebee populations have crashed. Two species have become nationally extinct and several others have declined dramatically. The Trust is working to support the conservation of all bumblebees, rare or abundant, and raise awareness and increase understanding about bumblebees. Email contact:

Butterfly Conservation Scotland
Butterfly Conservation is the charity taking action to protect butterflies, moths and our environment.
Froglife is a national wildlife charity committed to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles, and saving the habitats they depend on. Since 1989 Froglife has been at the heart of efforts to conserve native amphibians and reptiles. Throughout this time we have initiated a number of national and regional projects, and remained a central voice for public advice on issues surrounding reptile and amphibian conservation. Froglife’s work falls into three strands: on the ground conservation, environmental education and communication (the provision of advice/information). Email contact:
greenspace scotland
greenspace scotland provides a national lead on greenspace, working towards our goal that everyone living and working in urban Scotland has easy access to quality greenspace which meets local needs and improves their quality of life. As Scotland’s parks and greenspace charity, we have been influential in shaping a supportive policy context for greenspace and promoting good practice on greenspace delivery. We work with and for Councils, national and local public bodies, third sector and community organisations on a contract, service level agreement, collaborative partnership and/or grant basis. Email contact:

Horticultural Trades Association
The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is the trade association for the UK garden industry. It is dedicated to helping develop the industry and its member businesses, including most garden centres and other garden retailers, growers, landscapers, manufacturers and suppliers. The HTA is involved in engaging The Scottish Government and UK Government regarding policy issues. Email contact:
Keep Scotland Beautiful
Keep Scotland Beautiful is your charity inspiring action for our environment. We work with you to help combat climate change, reduce litter and waste, restore nature and biodiversity and improve places. We aim to inspire changes in behaviour to improve our environment, the quality of people’s lives, their wellbeing and the places that they care for. We support the ambitions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network provides free support, resources and national recognition for growing groups across Scotland. Email contact:
Learning Through Landscapes Scotland
We enable children to connect with nature, be more active, and be more engaged with their learning. Our approach is also guided by six core values and six principles for outdoor learning and play.

NatureScot is the lead public body responsible for advising Scottish Ministers on all matters relating to the natural heritage. Our purpose is to promote, care for and improve our natural heritage, help people to enjoy nature responsibly, enable greater understanding and awareness of nature, and to promote the sustainable use of Scotland’s natural heritage.
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) is a world-renowned scientific centre for the study of plants, their diversity and conservation. Our missions is "To explore, conserve and explain the world of plants for a better future".
RSPB Scotland
The RSPB is the country’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home. We have currently over one million members and nearly 20,000 volunteers supporting the conservation and research work we do. The RSPB has over 200 nature reserves in the UK. Our vision is a world rich in wildlife.
Scotland's Gardens Scheme
Scotland's Gardens Scheme was established in 1931 and helps garden owners across Scotland open their gardens to the public to raise money for charity.

Scottish Gardener's Forum
Providing support and encouragement for Scottish gardening clubs.
Social Farms and Gardens
We have many years of experience supporting people across the country to develop and improve growing and nature-based activities.
Soil Association
The Soil Association is the charity joining forces with nature for a better future: a world with good health, in balance with nature, and a safe climate.
Tayside Biodiversity Partnership
The TBP celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2024 and continues to roll out both small and large-scale projects across the region. The Tayside Biodiversity Action Plan itself (2nd Edition) has two aims: (i) to conserve and enhance Tayside’s biodiversity, taking into account local and national priorities; and (ii) to co-ordinate existing actions, as well as initiating and co-ordinating new ones. It is the latter aim that enables the Partnership to work so closely with communities both rural and urban, especially where it’s Perth & Kinross Biodiversity Villages, Towns & Neighbourhoods Initiative is concerned. Email contact:

The Caley
The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley) is Scotland’s national horticultural and gardening Society. We are a registered Scottish charity that seeks to inspire, encourage and improve the science, art and practice of horticulture. We also seek to provide a national voice for horticulture in Scotland. From its beginning in 1809 The Caley has endeavoured to ensure that skills are not lost. We recognise expertise in horticulture through the presentation of prestigious awards and promote activities that advance education, such as Grow and Learn a unique award scheme for people with a complex learning needs. Email contact:
Gardening helps us care for our physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Trellis is the framework that helps Scotland’s therapeutic gardens to flourish. From public parks to prisons, walled gardens to care homes and allotments to zoos, we support over 240 gardening projects. We can call on the knowledge and experience of our network of more than 500 people. Our Services: we advise people on how to set up and run therapeutic gardens; we run courses on everything from health to horticulture; we bring people together to be inspired, share ideas and good practice; we spread the word about the good that therapeutic gardening can do.