Ury Riverside Park SCIO | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Ury Riverside Park SCIO


2024 Certificates
Level 5 - Outstanding
Certificate of Distinction

The Ury Riverside Park is a park for people and wildlife together, that has been developing since 2016 from arable farmland on the flood plain of the River Ury. The development and management of the Park is undertaken by local volunteers in partnership with other volunteer groups, contractors and Aberdeenshire Council. The park is being developed with a high-quality path network, areas of semi natural, naturally functioning habitats including wetland, riparian areas, new native woodlands, wildflower meadows and amenity grassland. Most of the park lies below the 200-year flood level and much of the park floods every year.

In 2023, Ury Riverside Park SCIO won the Keep Scotland Beautiful Parks & Green Spaces Award and received a Certificate of Recognition in the Gardening in a Changing Climate Award.

In 2022, the group were recognised with the Keep Scotland Beautiful 'Beautiful Scotland and It's Your Neighbourhood' discretionary award - joint winner of Parks and Green Spaces Award.

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