Tidy Clean and Green | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Tidy Clean and Green


2024 Certificates
Level 3 - Advancing

Burnside Terrace Community Growing area - a Tidy, Clean and Green initiative.

The growing area was planned to encourage local residents to help develop the area into a productive and attractive place. The bonus was the aim to have some vegetables to sample while the flowers will provide nectar for pollinators and brighten up the area.

The site was once a terrace of workers cottages and the group discovered the foundations the hard way when they dug holes to plant the fruit trees.

Several planters have been constructed by volunteers at Tidy, Clean and Green, and volunteers from the sheltered housing, the local school and local residents have been planting them up.

The group has also planted several fruit trees donated by Falkirk Council.

They've sown wildflower seeds to create pollinator-friendly nectar beds and cleared a new bed for fruit bushes and more flowers - they plan to expand this bed in the spring as they now have funding from Beds for Bees. RePollinate will donate the plants and compost for the group to make a pollinator-friendly bed to last many years.

The garden produced potatoes, peas, broad beans, peas, tomatoes, radish and leeks which some of the residents of the social housing harvested.

Future plans include creating a small pond thanks to funding from Spar supermarkets and Froglife  who will build the pond with local schools.  They hope to encourage more local volunteers to help and get their hands dirty and to expand the growing potential for sustainable food production and wildlife-friendly gardening.

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