Scenic Sandbank
2024 Certificates |
Level 4 - Thriving
In 2023, Scenic Sandbank received a Certificate of Recognition in the NatureScot It's Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Award.
Scenic Sandbank is made up of a group of volunteers who are all engaged in enhancing village life in Sandbank. The group was formed in 2021 and quickly became a charitable organisation so that they could purchase a piece of land from the local council to create a community garden for Sandbank residents and beyond. This year, they are happy to say that they now own the land and are starting to put their plans into action. They are working with local businesses and groups to help in creating this much needed oasis. They will continue to look after the planters and flower beds in Sandbank, and also maintain the picnic area that, with Sandbank Community Council, they organised and paid for its rejuvenation in 2021/2.