Letham Climate Challenge | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Letham Climate Challenge

Perth and Kinross

2024 Certificates
Level 5 - Outstanding

The project has Allotments, allowing the production of vegetables and fruit. Volunteers host pupils from three Primary Schools to learn to plant, grow, cook and eat their produce.

The project aims to reduce the carbon footprint focussing on waste reduction, by re-using what they have and recycling what they can. Using the vehicle of recycling and reuse, the project succeeds in reducing the stigma for people in need accepting practical support. Their second-hand Furniture store offers free delivery, helping families in need, while encouraging sustainable shopping, by making second hand the first choice. At their Swap Shop, people can donate unwanted items for 5 free items, including clothing, bric-a-brac, books and toys. Otherwise, a small donation of 20p per item is charged.

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