Kintore & District Community Council | Climate and Nature Friendly Communities Network Skip to main content
It's Your Neighbourhood

Kintore & District Community Council


2024 Certificates
Level 4 - Thriving

Kintore & District Community Council is a very active Community Council. They are very keen to put their wee town of Kintore on the Map as being a destination for locals and tourists alike.

As we already know, with local Council budgets for general town maintenance at an all time low, the group is seeing this as their chance to step up and take full responsibility for their own area with pride.

Part of this plan is to pull the community together through volunteer work of general maintenance, weeding, tidying, litter picking, flower planting, and all that good stuff to ensure they can improve and then upkeep the look and feeling of their lovely historic town.

Bulb planting is completed, perennials and summer flowers ordered….roll on the Summer!

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