Fresh Community Wellness SCIO
2024 Certificates |
Level 5 - Outstanding
Certificate of Distinction
In 2023, Fresh Community Wellness SCIO received a Certificate of Recognition in the NatureScot It's Your Neighbourhood Pollinator Friendly Award.
Fresh Community Wellness SCIO are committed to the advancement of physical and mental health and wellbeing, by running groups including gardening sessions in the Seaton Neighbourhood United Garden (SNUG), pocket gardens across the area and around the assisted living blocks, help with Star Flat planters, and support to Lord Hay's Court garden group.
Fresh also have a Craft Group and a Men's Music Chat Group which run on a weekly basis. Fresh also get involved in community clean ups and various campaigns in the community, such as Community Assemblies and Workshops in partnership with other agencies.
Fresh offers a safe space, with non-judgemental Team Leads at sessions, and everyone is welcome to come along and volunteer, and to reap what you sow in the garden or to just have a chat.