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Getting to know... Eve Keepax

A blog post by Eve Keepax

Meet Eve Keepax, one of our Education and Learning Officers

Well, this feels odd.  Getting to know someone usually involves a shared activity, experience or at least a cup of something warm and reviving. 

It’s possible to get a sense of the individual who is writing a blog, but that usually takes time.  Don’t worry, I’ll keep this brief and imagine that you’ve got a drink in hand.

If you’re reading this, I guess that you’re interested in sustainability or education or both.  My role at Keep Scotland Beautiful began with a particular emphasis on food and the environment so there’s that too.   I’m in the Education and Learning team, working mostly with formal education, but also with community learning and delivering training on sustainability issues, what they are and what you can do to help.  Would training be of interest to you?  Some professional or personal development?

I’ve developed projects that you can take part in independently, towards living within the limits of our planet, by reducing your carbon footprint for example.  The One Planet Picnic is open to anyone and provides four principles as starting points for you to make your food and drink choices environmentally friendly.  It’s a reason to refresh your food habits and invest some energy in trying something new that maybe fits better with your values, time, and taste buds.  It doesn’t have to be fancy; soup is a great way to start.  Soup is tasty, satisfying, so easy to make, so many ingredients to choose from and a large pot can last a couple of days.  Leek and potato; curried parsnip; good old lentil; you might spot that I’m an enthusiast.  I can talk a lot about soup.  

Moving on.  An annual feature of my working year is the Pocket Garden Design Competition for schools.  It’s an immense pleasure to see the entries each year, the children’s engagement, and the innovative ways that they problem solve.  Pocket Garden has principles of sustainability and a design brief to inspire creativity and there’s a POP-UP, at-home, version of Pocket Garden that you can have a crack at yourself. 

You know what to do if you’re interested - visit the links above to find out more.

I’m going to take my soup off the hob.

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