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It's Your Neighbourhood

Riverside Childcare

East Dumbartonshire

Certificate of Recognition

Riverside Childcare is an eco-friendly nursery. They promote environmental awareness in a way that links to most, if not all, curriculum subjects. 

Their extensive garden area has the advantage of being surrounded by fields and countryside, away from roads and traffic and offers space to allow the children to move around freely. The garden has:

  • Environmental garden
  • Forest
  • Digging pit
  • Garden of Eden
  • Balancing Beams
  • Climbing Equipment
  • Stepping Blocks
  • Outdoor Art area
  • Walk in sheltered area
  • Construction area

They have created some natural habitats, on a small scale, that will attract and encourage visits from birds and insect life. The children enjoy playing daily in the large garden, experiencing a variety of activities such as digging, planting, running, climbing and crawling. Some age groups go for nature walks and visit the local community.

The staff team plan through seasons, ensuring they make maximum use of their outdoor environment and include opportunities to celebrate festivals, explore enterprise and sustain their eco commitments.

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